And Dickinson also let readers in on the most embarrassing moment of his life, “I once threw up on the shoes of one of my vocal heroes, the Deep Purple singer Ian Gillan. He sent me home in a taxi with a towel.”
Dickinson went on to discuss his way of dealing with getting older, “I always work five years in advance – that way I am never surprised. Right now, for example, I am 70. Every year for the next five years will therefore be a cause for celebration.
This autumn Iron Maiden continue their 23rd world tour. Dickinson has recently released his seventh solo album, The Mandrake Project, and is currently touring Europe.
orn in Nottinghamshire, Dickinson, 65, became lead singer of the band Iron Maiden in 1981. In 1982, The Number of the Beast became the first of their five albums to top the UK charts. In 2009, they won the best British live act Brit award and in 2011 they took the Grammy for best metal performance with their song El Dorado. This autumn Iron Maiden continue their 23rd world tour. Dickinson has released his seventh solo album, The Mandrake Project, and is currently touring Europe. He has three children and lives in London and Paris with his third wife.
Well, I’m not too happy about snakes. I also hate sand. It’s very inconvenient.
A pair of giant gelatinous red lips glistening with lipstick and smelling faintly of gin leaning over my pram. I’ve been told I was so scared by the sight that I peed straight into my auntie’s mouth in sheer terror.
I once threw up on the shoes of one of my vocal heroes, the Deep Purple singer Ian Gillan. He sent me home in a taxi with a towel.
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