September 17, 2024

This is Rose’s very first website that isn’t associated with the Guns N’ Roses name, so it’s unclear what the page means. The homepage features a few draggable photos of the singer and video clips in the background, with his name and a quote that reads, “You gotta live to learn and run, or you’ll die trying.”

The “About” section at reads, “Unmistakeable vocal style, he has carved out a legendary status in the rock history,” with a brief biography underneath about his career with GN’R. There’s also a “News” tab and a gallery of photos

Only three articles are currently listed under the news section, all of which detail the release of Guns’ latest single “The General.” The rocker’s social media platforms are linked at the bottom of the page, including a TikTok profile, which currently doesn’t have any post on it

Guns N’ Roses don’t have any shows booked for 2024, making this year the first that the band won’t perform since Slash and Duff McKagan rejoined in 2016.

What Rose has in the works at this time is unknown. Some fans have caught wind of the website and shared it on social media. The Guns N’ Roses-centric podcast and website Appetite for Distortion shared the site on their social media, speculating whether it means the singer will release a book in the future. However, this hasn’t been confirmed.

Behemoth’s fearless leader Nergal has a mission statement of taking his music and message of Satanism around the world. The Polish legends’ live act comes across more as a ritual than a traditional metal show, with Nergal at its crux. His vein-popping bark spews blasphemies as his wide-eyed gaze pierces fans, especially when serving communion to the ones at the barrier. His grand vision is translated across the studio, stage and highly artful music videos, making him one of extreme metal’s most revered assets up front.



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