Former Dallas Cowboys, cheerleader Victoria Kalina who was one of the breakout stars of Netflix‘s America’s Sweethearts, revealed just how difficult it was for her to watch to hit show.
The 24-year-old even admitted that she walked out during a screening of the
docuseries, which highlighted the the cheerleaders’ pitiful pay and harsh working conditions.
‘It had a very hard effect on me,’ she told The Times in an interview published Friday.
Kalina, whose mother was on the squad in the 80s, said she left an early presentation of the show after watching a scene where her stamina was derided by the squad’s notoriously ruthless coaches.
Her mom, Tina, has refused to watch the series altogether.
Ex-Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Victoria Kalina said it was difficult to watch the Netflix show
‘[It’s] obviously hard for her to see as a mother: her baby hurting and being treated that way. So I think she’s going to need to just process through all of that, before she can watch the show,’ Kalina said.
She also likened her tenure on the team to an abusive relationship, adding, ‘I think I did lose some of my love of dance … if you’re giving, giving, giving so much and it’s not being reciprocated — what’s the point?’
Charlotte Jones, chief brand officer and daughter of billionaire owner Jerry Jones, claimed the dancers aren’t motivated by money when they join the DCC.
‘They actually don’t come here for the money. They come here for something that’s actually bigger than that to them,’ she said in the first episode of Netflix’s America’s Sweethearts.
The lowest paid Cowboys player makes $795,000, while quarterback Dak Prescott has a contract valued at $160million.
By contrast, the cheerleader we spoke to earned between $15,000 and $22,000 per year while part of the DCC
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