JUST IN: Coach Semonian proud of performance against London Lions.

Manchester Goliaths lead trainer Brian Semonian was pleased with the exhibition his side showed in the 100-91 loss to London Lions in the English Ball Association Prize at the NBPC on Friday night.

Coach Semonian proud of performance against London Lions

The league leaders pulled away in the final two minutes of the fourth quarter after a game that swung back and forth in favor of each team, just like the previous encounters between the two teams.

The Monsters drove 70-69 going into the last quarter and hoped to take advantage of their upper hand when they expanded their lead to 87-84 with just shy of four minutes left at work. A few mistakes and missed shots gave the Lions the push they needed to win. They were on the verge of an upset.

Rout to London currently implies that it is numerically beyond the realm of possibilities for Mentor Semonian’s side to advance in the English Ball Association Prize, however he was glad to sing the gestures of recognition of his side after the battle they displayed on Friday night.

Brian Semonian opens up on life in the British Basketball League while  preparing for the North-West Derby – British Basketball League

Talking post-match, he said: ” I’m truly pleased with our presentation this evening. We’ve played London truly close the previous multiple times.

“It was only two or three belongings that was the distinction however I’m truly pleased with our work – they are a top group and it demonstrates the way that we can truly contend.

“To the extent that the Prize goes, it’s disheartening that we won’t be pushing ahead however our objective is even more a season-long objective of making the end of the season games.

“We’re utilizing these games to chip away at our hostile and guarded character and ensuring that is truly strong going into the last part of the time.

Throughout the game, the Giants displayed tremendous determination and were the superior team at various points. The distinction between the different sides tumbled to turnovers at key minutes going in the blessing of the hosts, which permitted them to post significant focuses on the board.

Semonian added to this: It was only several belongings that were the distinction in this game, so that could be two or three turnovers and calls yet we must ensure that we don’t leave it into the ref’s hands and we must assume responsibility for what goes on.

Brian Semonian opens up on life in the British Basketball League while  preparing for the North-West Derby – British Basketball League

“We had a truly strong strategy and I believed that we executed it well – assuming that the ball skips a couple of ways, perhaps we come by an alternate outcome.

“[London Lions] are a top group and I’m truly content with our person’s concentration and exertion this evening.”

Manchester Goliaths have another installation staying in the opposition, with Bristol Flyers visiting the NBPC on Sunday evening as a feature of a twofold header which sees the Monsters Ladies take on Nottingham Wildcats in the Betty Codona Prize following the finish of the men’s down.

Semonian responded, “Yes, I would take advantage of the opportunity to make some changes to my side. We’ve quite recently got to take it each game in turn. This one is done now and we’ll return to see what’s best for the group for us going ahead.

“We’ll make sure to use the Bristol Flyers game to our advantage, to use the opportunity to sharpen our skills primarily on the offensive and defensive end, so that’s what we’re going to focus on for our next match,” the team said.

To gain access to Sunday’s Women’s game at the NBPC, purchase a ticket for the men’s game against Bristol Flyers.

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